If you peruse through the business section of any bookstore, or if you happen to be browsing the bestseller book titles at the airport book kiosk, undoubtedly, you’ll see a whole host of books and titles related to management skills and insider tips from great leaders. With so many things clamoring for our attention and hurried lives these days, you probably don’t have time to read the slew of books devoted to great management skills. And that’s okay – because the majority of books devoted to great management skills pull from the same themes. In this article, we’ll summarize for you three of the most popular qualities that great leaders share.
Great Management Skill #1: The ability to lead teams
Unless you work in an office with just a few employees, most likely, your organization is divided into teams. As a manager, one of the skills that you will need to refine is how you build, motivate, and sustain teams. There is an art to managing teams so that they are driven personally and for the company, but not in a way that becomes so competitive that it hinders other teams within the company. As a team leader, focus on building management skills that include your ability to communicate effectively, and make sure you incorporate training that will equip your team with the essential skills that they need to feel competent and accomplished at their jobs. The right training will help improve your team’s self-esteem regarding their roles in the organization, and it will influence their ability to work positively with their teammates.
Great Management Skill #2: Before you can manage others, manage yourself
A great leader is a positive example to others – it’s hard for people to follow and give respect and credibility to a manager who is unable to manage themself, even if the job is still getting done. A great management skill to perfect is your own ability to prioritize your time, stay organized, and keep your stress in check. Your employees depend on you for leadership, and if you are constantly scrambling around, can’t contain your temper, and have erratic patterns, you will have a difficult time earning the respect and solidifying your team and company behind your vision. Work on your ability to practice self-control, be consistent, and be dependable. Your team needs a solid force they can depend on and rely on for their own growth and ability to perform their jobs competently.
Great Management Skill #3: Don’t just be a manager, be a leader
It is certainly true that there are individuals who have exceptional leadership skills; there are those who are renowned for not only their ability to manage, but their gift for leading. Conversely, there are many managers who may manage well, but they will never be inspiring, transformational leaders. If you want to go beyond managing and leave a lasting impact with your ability to lead, here are a few of the traits that great leaders are credited with having:
Visionary: Leaders are different from just managers in that they are visionary. They see the big picture and are able to take risks.
Communicators: Leaders have a certain ability to convince others and inspire by their ability to express their ideas.
Passionate: A great leader believes in the product or company he or she is heading. The passion goes beyond the “job.” True leaders inject their passion into their decision making and how they direct those around them.
Great management skills require practice and work
If you aspire to improve your management skills and be a leader, your task requires devotion. To have great management skills, you don’t need to re-invent the wheel, nor do you need to read every management book ever published. Instead, focus on the key skills that great leaders share.