What Effective Email Ads Look Like And How to Use Them


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Today, there are many types of paid ads placed in digital spaces. You will see paid ads on Google search results and social media channels. These generally have the tag “sponsored post”. One media channel that can make use of effective marketing is email send-outs. 

Emails have a very high ROI, mainly because the investment is minimal. Research has shown that the median ROI for email marketing is 122%. If you are not using email advertising, you may be missing out.

Everywhere you look online, there are paid adverts. You see them on your commute to work. You find them on your Facebook and Instagram feeds. Adverts are an excellent way for companies to increase brand awareness. They also enable a brand or company to generate further revenue. 

Email is a channel that almost everyone uses. Trillions of emails are sent every year. Even when you view your own inbox, managing email overload can be challenging. To ensure that your company stands out in those noisy inboxes, there’s a crucial question to consider: are you important to your customer?

Email marketing is fantastic at engaging your customers and subscribers. It’s a way to build further rapport and connections with your audience. 

In this post, we outline what effective email ads look like and how best you can use them.

What Are Email Ads?

Email ads are promotions that aim to increase your company’s revenue. This way, a company has a way to monetize its email subscriber list. This tactic is similar to ads placed in newspapers and other digital channels – although they reach the consumer at inbox level. 

Email ads are actioned in many different ways. You could make use of video or display ads. For example, a video email ad highlighting the best setup for video conferencing is an effective use of video in an email push. Other advertising elements are built into the overall email design.

Why You Need Email Ads

Social media platforms are among the most popular media channels today. However, social media does not offer the best return on investment. Email is 40 times more effective than social media marketing. Emails have maintained a consistent level of influence over the years. And the number of emails sent per day is ever increasing.

Even as far back as 2017, 269 billion emails were sent per day. It’s estimated that by the end of 2021 the number will reach a total of 316 billion emails. The amount of people adopting email is also increasing. According to Google, there are 1.5 billion Gmail users. The market for email ads, newsletters, and email marketing is vast, to say the least.

A significant factor to consider is consumer behavior. 73% of millennials want to connect with their favorite brands via email. Due to consumer preferences, email marketing will stay the most effective channel to connect with customers. 

What Do Effective Email Ads Look Like?

Email campaign best practices may include incorporating something as simple as an email signature, using a few different typefaces, and optimizing preview text. Marketers will also need to identify the most suitable send-out times for your email ads.

Aside from email ad placement, your marketing team knows that emails are not always opened by the recipient. One of the best things about email marketing, as opposed to an SEO approach for driving traffic, is no need for long tail keywords

Email Ad Design

Many email campaigns are designed like landing pages. They stay true to the brand’s design and intended customer experience. Your company has email subscribers because you provide a worthy experience for them. They see value in the regular emails they receive. 

It’s important to maintain brand consistency when creating email campaigns. That way, you minimize subscriber confusion and solidify your company’s brand image. You also ensure the subscriber receives the messaging they want. When incorporating email ads into your marketing campaigns, ensure that the ads themselves complement the overall promotional experience.

For example, take a look at this SteelSeries ad that was sent for their anniversary sale. The overall design of this campaign is consistent with all of their other email campaigns. There is a header with navigational links at the top. Beneath the splash image, SteelSeries goes on to highlight their best computer products in the remainder of the newsletter.

Sourced from Writer’s Emails from steelseries.com

Ad Position

Email marketing content is what keeps your subscriber list engaged. It’s valuable to know a few ways to take your email list from stale to vibrant. It is also important to determine the right way to position your email ads. Email ads can provide customers with great value (and even entertainment) when done correctly.

Below is an example of an email ad from Art.com. They place their banner at the top of the email ensuring expert brand exposure. Customers stay subscribed to your email campaigns for the content, not for the ads. Be sure that your email ads supplement your content.

Sourced from Writer’s Emails from Art.com

Stay on Topic

Staying on topic applies to email marketing as well as every other marketing channel. Your company may build an audience because of a specific niche; you may be a SaaS company in the and therefore it would benefit your subscribers if you provide email ads that are relevant to your niche and personalized for them.

These email ads may revolve around VoIP phones. They could focus on software for video conferencing. By staying on topic, you ensure that your customers are provided the value they deserve. 

Don’t Sleep on Email Ads

As marketers, we seek the best media channels to generate revenue. Today, every company must excel at digital advertising. Emails have been around for a long time, but their ROI is undeniable. Do not sleep on email ads. They could generate more revenue than you expect. They also add greater value to your subscriber lists.

Be sure to focus on email design and email ad placement – this will ensure your emails are providing consistent experiences for your brand. Stay on topic to continue providing the value your subscribers seek and your email audience will thank you. 

Jenna Bunnell
Jenna Bunnell is the Senior Manager for Content Marketing at Dialpad, an AI-incorporated cloud-hosted unified communications system that provides valuable call details for business owners and sales representatives. She is driven and passionate about communicating a brand’s design sensibility and visualizing how content can be presented in creative and comprehensive ways.


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