Verizon helps direct a customer in need


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#720 in the Project was taken from a post by Cheryl Burgess @ckburgess:

verizon navigator purple goldfish

“… let’s talk for a minute about the importance of add-on services. Driving through Queens, east of NYC early last year, I was lost when my GPS connection died. No maps and out of luck, I phoned Verizon tech support. The only short term solution to get back to New Jersey, was for the rep (David) to provide turn-by-turn instructions to the Manhattan Bridge and a sure path to Jersey. Not only did he save the day but he credited my Verizon account for $9.99 (one month of VZ Navigator service).

When a brand goes out of its way to help customers, it is rewarded with more than continuous service. The loyal customer reaches that magical stage called advocacy. In this case, David’s name soared throughout the Twitterverse with this customer’s praise. On that day, Verizon Wireless, was a simply irresistible brand.”

Marketing Lagniappe Takeaway – A customer in need, can become an evangelist indeed.

Today’s Lagniappe (a little something extra for good measure) – Speaking of Navigator, how about a blast from the past. Check out the trailer from the 80’s Disney classic ‘Flight of the Navigator’:

Lagniappe defined: A marketing lagniappe, i.e. purple goldfish, is any time a business goes above and beyond to provide a ‘little something extra’. It’s that unexpected surprise that’s thrown in for good measure.

How do you stand out in the sea of sameness? How do you win repeat customers and influence word of mouth? Are you Giving Little Unexpected Extras?

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Republished with author's permission from original post.

Stan Phelps
Stan Phelps is the Chief Measurement Officer at 9 INCH marketing. 9 INCH helps organizations develop custom solutions around both customer and employee experience. Stan believes the 'longest and hardest nine inches' in marketing is the distance between the brain and the heart of your customer. He is the author of Purple Goldfish, Green Goldfish and Golden Goldfish.


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