A lot of people, in fact most people, say to cite the golden rule when it comes to customer interactions.
The golden rule being, treat others as you would like to be treated.
If you stop and think about it, on the surface, that seems like pretty good advice.
But, if you really stop and really think about it strategically, you will understand the shortcomings of this approach.
To create a personalized sales interaction or a personalized service interaction it requires that you use the platinum rule.
The platinum rule is to treat the other person (client, customer or guest) exactly as they want to be treated.
The key is to focus on the personal wants, needs and desires of each and every customer that you interact with.
This has nothing to do with the golden rule.
Let me say it so you can understand it.
Your customer doesn’t give a crap about you and your stuff. Your customer cares deeply about their stuff, their wants, their needs and their desires, not yours.
If you need a quick simple reminder, click here to view the image below:
Republished with author’s permission from original post.