Where do you get the best inspiration on innovation? There are lots of quality resources with great insights and information, but this is my personal top 5 list (in random order):
This is a nice collection of innovation insights and I like how their editors often provide a short summary of the articles or blog post to which they link. You should sign up for their newsletter and you should also check out their overview of innovation events and conferences.
Their blog features a great collection of reads from a large group of innovation, marketing and leadership. They are also developing their general resource offering with articles, videos and presentations.
Hootsuite helps you manage your social media efforts and I use it to stay on top of search terms such as “open innovation” and to follow selected tweeters.
When I write blog posts, I often get inspired by the comments of others. Here LinkedIn is a great source of inspiration through their group discussions. The best groups have active moderators, who help keep the discussions relevant and fend off spammers. An example of such a group is Beyond Innovation.
This is a simple, yet effective way to monitor the web for content of your interest. I use it to track open innovation, social media + innovation and it also provides an update on my personal branding (15inno and Stefan Lindegaard) mentions.
What sources do you use to stay updated on innovation?