Top 7 Mobile Game Development Ideas Watch Out in 2021


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Mobile game development is witnessing growth since the evolution of smartphones. This growth became more evident during the period of the Covid-19 outbreak. During that severe time, mobile gaming emerged as an effective means of entertainment and time killer.

This makes the mobile gaming industry a lucrative proposition for business in terms of revenue. If you are planning to expand your feet in the mobile game development industry and looking for some mobile game development ideas that will benefit you more than you think.

In this blog post, we will talk about the top 7 mobile game development ideas that will make your audience day with the entertainment and will help businesses to widen their audience reach.

Top 7 Trending Mobile Game Development Ideas in 2021.

Card Mobile Game Development Ideas

1. Poker

These days, real money making games are on the boom and emerging as an effective way to fill life with fun along with the ability to make some money cash.

2. Rummy

Rummy has always been the favourite card game for strategy-based gaming enthusiasts. You can develop the mobile version of the traditional rummy games to give people a chance to play rummy games online.

Board Mobile Game Development Ideas

3. Ludo

Ludo is a game whose popularity reaches unforeseen heights, especially during the Covid-19 days as it allows people to play the game with their loved ones virtually. The in-game voice chat feature is another great feature of online ludo games. Building an online ludo game with a great interface and features will definitely make you stand out in the market, so you can make huge profits.

4. Chess

Developing a chess game for Android or iOS platforms will give reach to a wide audience. This luck-based mobile game has become a favourable choice for a lot of people. To enlist your chess game for everyone’s favourite list, you can consider adding different levels suitable for both novice and seasoned game players.

Fantasy Sports Mobile Game Ideas

5. Cricket

Cricket is a chance sport that gained acceptance worldwide. In cricket fantasy sports mobile games, the result is determined depending on the number of factors including the toss, pitch condition, weather report, team of playing 11, and several other factors. To ensure your success, you can develop a fantasy cricket sports app that serves as the perfect application for gamblers and bookmakers.

One of the most prominent fantasy sports apps is Dream11, which holds the community of millions of users and marks a good amount of revenue. You develop the clone of Dream11 with the help of a mobile game development company to follow the success of this app.

6. Football/Soccer

Football is one of the most widely appreciated sports on the entire earth planet, hence the demand for football-related mobile apps is unbeatable. You could develop a fantasy sports app with a user-friendly interface to connect both bettors and bookmakers to simplify the betting process.

7. Golf

This is one of the most underestimated types of sport, despite its immense popularity. You could develop an app that allows the users to stay updated with the latest golf-related sports and allow them to place bets on all the major golf-related tournaments organized worldwide.

Concluding Thoughts

As we know, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives and it results in developing more mobile games, hence the role of the smartphone in the gaming industry is inevitable.

If you are considering developing a mobile game app, then starting with the aforementioned game ideas will prove highly beneficial to you. Simply pick your game idea and hire mobile game developers in the USA to shape your idea into a feasible product.


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