Tips & Tricks on Communicating Across the Entire Feedback Process


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Communication is a critical part of the feedback management process. Truth to be told, the feedback loop ought to begin and end in precisely the same manner: with a cooperation with the client or client who presented the feedback.

Sadly, a typical trend among the groups we work with is that they quickly change from feedback collection – done through a feedback app, straightforwardly to internal conversations around prioritization, with no conventional process or insightful thought for how they intend to speak with clients either post-collection or pre-send off.

Hell, many groups don’t have a smart cycle for shutting the circle with clients post launch.

Just think about how most groups close the loop with clients today. Frequently, a product or engineering group informs a customer-facing team that an exceptional client need has been addressed and requests them that they “let everybody know.”

The process for telling everybody? The client group needs to wade through endless notes in incalculable records in the CRM, survey related Jira issues with the expectation that they added impacted clients in the remarks, and afterward physically reach out over email, telephone, or in a QBR to inform the client that their need has been addressed to.

Hint, here’s a clue: this is a terrible experience for the client team, so it won’t ever work out. So, what do many groups do instead? They present a product update on their changelog or convey a massive official statement to everybody and cross their fingers with the expectation that the impacted clients read those declarations.

We can’t exaggerate the amount of lost opportunity this breakdown in the feedback management process represents. Truly – more so than really tending to client needs – it is thoughtful, straightforward communication with clients in regard to the thought of their necessities that is most successful way by which groups assemble long haul dependability and close to emotional connection with individuals that utilize their products.

So, it is important that groups focus profoundly on thinking about how they speak with clients about their feedback as they do in focusing on that feedback on their guide. The question is the means by which best to do this.

Let’s take a look at just a couple of our suggested tips and tricks.

Closing the Loop is Not Last Step, it’s a Process

At the point when many groups think about “closing the loop” with clients, they will generally contemplate this as the last phase of the feedback management process. However, communication isn’t the last stage of the process; a basic effort that exists across each stage.

Thus, the first (and ostensibly generally significant) rule for closing the loop with clients: don’t hold on until the end. Your group ought to be smart about how you’re conveying at each and every step of the feedback management process – during feedback collection – done with a feedback software, as you review and indeed make progress, and yes as you ultimately address their needs.

Frequent and consistent communication will go about as the vein that runs through and empowers the whole feedback management process. Significantly more, it’s the one of the absolute best ways which an organization can construct lifetime loyalty to its clients while at the same time giving defense against clients whose needs you won’t address.

Treat your clients as partners in the continuous evolution of your products and services by causing them to feel included and engaged in the process. We guarantee you will see a developing number of profoundly invested long-term evangelists for your business.

Communicate the Progress of a Piece of Feedback

On the off chance that you remove only one thing from this article, let it be this: you ought to communicate the progress of a piece of feedback across the phases of the feedback management process the board interaction – in addition to its conclusion.

Each moment of progress is an opportunity to keep clients in the loop and promote deeper engagement or loyalty. After you’ve done an underlying review of the feedback product.

After you’ve assigned it to somebody in your group to explore. After you’ve put it up for a vote with different clients. After you’ve added it to an issue in Jira. After it has entered the ongoing run. After it’s in QA. Informing your clients about each regarding these miniature movements is a small, however strong move toward causing them to feel that their necessities are vital to you and are by and large sincerely considered.

These interactions don’t need to be in-depth. They don’t need to be responsibilities to timelines or specific approaches to addressing the need. They’re simply low touch ways of causing your clients to feel like they’re getting a high touch insight.

As a general rule, we suggest keeping it simple. Tell clients when you’ve received their feedback. Tell them when it has been prioritized. Inform them as to whether you are (or alternately are not) effectively considering it. Tell them when it is being prioritized. What’s more, let them know when it is delivered.

5 basic touchpoints, a significant number of which can be automated to guarantee versatility. Together, they address a straightforward and participatory feedback loop that each client would be happy with.

Shutting the Loop is the beginning of the Loop

If your feedback management process is a proper loop, then it should start and stop at the same place – with an interaction with your users. In this way, assuming that the loop generally begins with feedback collection, we ordinarily accept that it closes with the communication of the resolution of that feedback.

This moment of closing the loop is an important one; it’s the culmination of all of the hardwork and care that your team has invested into addressing customer needs. It’s likewise an actual presentation to your clients that you were paying attention to them from the start.

Yet, remember: the feedback process is a loop, not a dead end. This implies that the moment of closing the loop with your clients ought to go about as the beginning of the next feedback loop. How? By guaranteeing you treat the moment as an opportunity for further feedback collection.

How well does your most memorable methodology address the client’s requirements? Does your approach give the client thoughts for different needs? By treating the end of the initial feedback loop as a semicolon as opposed to a period, you can use your clients to inform the continuous improvement of your product and business.

In a Nutshell

Communication with clients isn’t simply the last stage of the feedback management process; a basic component exists across all stages of the process. Truth to be told, smart and straightforward communication regarding progress toward addressing clients’ needs is quite possibly the best manner by which groups build long term dedication.

Vinod Janapala
Vinod Janapala - Product (SaaS) Marketing & Customer Analytics Lead. Vinod is keen on such topics as Marketing, Customer Experience, SaaS Challenges, and Personal Growth.


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