Eoin dusts down his tin foil hat and looks back on a digital marketing week dominated by privacy related-news.
In a week that started with minute by minute updates about a man may or may not be on a plane, it’s fitting that we’ve ended the week talking about privacy too. The NSA leaks and the name Edward Snowden continue to push online matters to the forefront of traditional news this week, giving you an extra excuse not to have caught up with the latest digital marketing stories. Which is why, as always SiliconCloud have done the hard work for you and put together a list of the biggest stories in our industry this week. Starting with the latest from Mountain View.
Google Ordered To Amend Privacy Policy
The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) confirmed yesterday that they have written to Google to express concerns over their existing privacy policy. The letter outlined issues with the information Google provides to users on how it uses personal data, the lack of specific information on when and how that data is used and the potential for data to be retained beyond users natural expectations. ICO have advised Google to update these details or face severe penalties.
While this may not have a direct impact on Digital Marketers, it demonstrates that the issue of Google’s use of its vast data will not go away. That data forms so much of the company’s strength and it’s value as a PPC marketing provider and search engine. If there is an impact on Google’s ability to gather and use data, it will be felt right across the web.
New Twitter Targeted Ads Come With Better Privacy Options
On the other hand, Twitter is receiving plenty of positive press for its rollout of new cookie-targeted ads. The new ads, much like those operated by Google, use previous online activity to target sponsored ads at users. Basically, if you’ve searched for Nokia phones recently, Twitter will show you Nokia’s sponsored tweets.
The plaudits are coming as a result of the option to turn the whole system off. Essentially Twitter are offering the service in a totally optional manner. While Google also offer privacy options, the concerns outline above indicate that there are still questions over the control users have of Google-related data.
UK Celebs Should’ve Thought Of Their Own Privacy
Speaking of Twitter and privacy, a group of UK soap stars may be starting to question their own privacy decisions after a group of journalists tricked them into promoting fake products. As part of an investigation into online advertising, the celebs were given fake products, water and costume jewelry dressed as ‘toner’ and ‘energy bracelets’, and asked to promote them through social media. Which they duly did, raising questions about the value and credibility of celebrity endorsements and highlighting how easy it may be to get social media publicity.
New Train Technology Creates Ads Inside Your Head
Meanwhile, train users in Germany may be subjected to another kind of targeted digital marketing. German Ad agency BBDO has launched a string of ads for the inner ear that are broadcast through the vibration of train windows. Unsuspecting passengers who doze off on their daily commute and lean against the window have been receiving inaudible ads for Sky Germany’s mobile app.
As brand new digital marketing ideas go, it’s a clever one but its unclear as yet how happy commuters are to have their dreams interrupted by advertising.
Email Keeps Us All Grounded In The Present
When you hear stories about ads that invade your cranium and big global brands with too much control over your data, it can feel like the digital world is getting out of control. Which is why we leave you this weekend with a bit of news to remind you that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
A new report by Custora that looked into digital marketing techniques and compared the effectiveness of email marketing with organic traffic and social media found that organic search and email are still streets ahead of social. So, while social is growing, the old reliable of SEO and email marketing are still the best ways to get sales through digital marketing.
There’s a nice relaxing thought to see us into the weekend. Of course, it’ll probably all change again by next week. So stay tuned for more stories form the digital marketing world next week.
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