We let analysis get in the way of success. Especially as our world accelerates around us. All that analysis puts us farther and farther behind.
Don’t get me wrong – we do need to be thoughtful about our steps.
But too much analysis holds us back. When we get so enthralled in the analysis – we lose sight of the real goal – moving forward.
Analysis can become an Infinite Loop that leads to nowhere.
I learned about my own Analysis Paralysis this week. I had good reason For the past two years I’ve been transitioning, personally and professionally. So I’ve been looking at so many and varied opportunities, evaluating all the options, analyzing all the paths, taking a hard look at myself and my future.
Thanks to a friend with a very pointy to – I realized it was time to get over myself and get going.
You see, I’d dedicated myself to analyzing and exploring every facet of myself and my future life. I turned that exploration into a full time gig. Yes, I took steps forward, but they were tentative, powerless. Why? Because I kept questioning and analyzing, looking for the sure thing. Instead I took myself off course with all the analysis and listening to the experts.
Who knows me better than me? No one. I know who I am, I know what I have to offer, and I know what I want in my life. I also know my purpose here on this planet.
So what was stopping me from stepping forward? Only myself – and my analysis paralysis.
It happens to all of us. Except for saints:)
I think it’s human nature, this Gravity of analysis. We hang in the safety of the analysis rather than take that first step into progress. We focus on proving our path before we step into it. We want to dot ever ‘i’, cross every ‘t’. We want to be sure. And we are busy doing as we analyze – so it’s not like we’re standing still, now is it?
The reality is that nothing in life is for sure. We have to take risks to move ahead – personally and professionally. That’s what it’s all about.
I’m stepping up and stepping forward. The time for analysis is over. I have decided to step forward. I can tune as I go – but I’m taking the first step. I’m sitting down and defining the one or two steps forward I’ll take this week – and I’m taking them. Beginning today. Right now. I’ll be back on Thursday to let you know how it’s going!
What about you? Any analysis paralysis you care to ditch to move forward?