For a business, there are many tasks that are relevant and many that are necessary from their point of view. There are tasks that a business performs or could perform that could be relevant or necessary to the Customer. Often Business needs and Customer needs do not coincide.
The first step is for us to understand what these needs could be, and then to plot them on the Task Matrix.
As definitions:
For Customers
Necessary work is essential for, vital to, indispensable to, important to, crucial to, needed by, compulsory required by or requisite for the Customer
Relevant work is pertinent to, applicable or germane to, or appropriate to the Customer. This is work that can be eliminated without deterioration of present service or product
What work is the Customer willing to pay for?
Every business enterprise has at least eight stakeholder groups, whose concerns must be considered when analyzing business processes: customers, suppliers and partners, managers, employees, creditors, investors, governments and community groups
Customer Value added of task: (Value to Customer after the task) MINUS
(Value to the Customer prior to the task)
Who is the Customer? Are some classes of work for internal customers necessary? If such work is free now, would someone pay for these services or work?
It is the final bill paying Customer at the end of the entire value chain who determines if the work/task adds value
Similarly, for Businesses
Necessary work is essential for, vital to, indispensable to, important to, crucial to, needed by, compulsory required or requisite for the Business
Relevant work is pertinent to, applicable or germane to, or appropriate to the B. This is work that can be eliminated without deterioration of present service or product
Let us list some of these tasks:
Customer anxiety, keeping them waiting, ignoring them, Unnecessary contact, annoying customers, poor quality all are a wasted effort for the company and the Customer and should be cut out. These are relevant to the customer as they are exposed to these all the time.
In the example, if the company was to take Customer Value, Customer experience and effort, customer redressal seriously and move them into the top right hand quadrant, then customer needs and company needs would start to coincide.
This is shown in the chart below.
The more companies can align their priorities with the those of the Customers and make the tasks that are relevant and necessary for Customers, that is make their business priorities the one’s important for the Customers the more successful they will be.