Wouldn’t it be nice if someone in Linkedin contacted you because your profile intrigued them and they thought there was mutual value in getting to know you?
Wouldn’t if be nice if when you looked at their profile you saw someone with expertise in an area complementary or synergist to you. Or, someone who had expertise in an area you wish you knew more about?
Recently, I have been doing more speaking and consulting on Relationships in a Web 2.0 world and discovering that this rarely happens.
Being on social networking sites like linkedin and not doing anything else is like advertising. So Web 1.0.
The power of social media is the network and to get the most out of the network you have to participate. Here are a couple of suggestions on how you can use Linkedin or other social networks to start now:
- Search your whole network by distance from you. Scan the list for people you wish you had a relationship with and begin building it. Imagine what it would be like if you knew them well enough to pick the brains and, they knew you well enough to pick your brain and recommend you and your company to people who will value your expertise. Work through your mutual connection to start a dialog.
- Before your next business trip, restrict the above search to the city you will be visiting. Propose a breakfast meeting or meeting over coffee with someone. Explain what about them intrigued you, why you are interested in meeting and what perspective you bring to the table. I am batting 1000 in getting meetings and am happy to say that most of the meeting produce results.
Social media, like relationships, requires participation. Take the initiative.
One of my favourite bloggers, Guy Kawasaki at the How to Change the World blog, has a brilliant post on 10 Ways to Use LinkedIn.
Graham Hill
Independent CRM Consultant
Interim CRM Manager
Your post contains some very good thoughts and practical applications concerning LinkedIn. I recently “linked” to my 500th connection and by no means consider myself some type of willy-nilly power networker. I have found that creating mutual value through groups is another way to participate and reach out to new people through past common experiences. I created and moderate the ACU Business School Alumni group on LinkedIn (my graduate school) as well as the NCR Corporation Alumni group (a past employment experience). Reaching out to former classmates and co-workers and helping them to connect is both fun and valuable.
Alan See
Blog: Welcome to Marketing 101