I’ve been a huge fan of what the folks at The Motley Fool are doing around employee engagement. In fact a few months ago I wrote an article about how they are the only company I have come across that has a chief collaboration officer. The Motley Fool employees around 200 people and is a multi-media financial services company (basically they help individual investors with finance advice). According to Glass Door they are the highest rated media company in the world to work for. A few days ago their CEO Tom Gardner made a 14 minute video around how The Motley Fool improves employee engagement and it’s worth every minute of your time to watch it. You will notice that Tom references the Gallup engagement survey in the video which revealed some staggering statistics about today’s workforce.
Steve Kerr who was directly appointed by Jack Welch years ago to run GE’s internal university and leadership development program is a recent addition to the board of directors at The Motley Fool. Steve helped the company figure out the rank order of rewards that help employees become more engaged at work. These six rewards according to rank are:
- Comfortable living wage
- Aligned with purpose and values
- Work with people they love
- Challenges everyday
- Flexibility and autonomy
- Meaningful financial upside
In the video Tom talks about all six of these principles in greater detail and also provides some great recommendations for what other leaders can do at their respective companies.
Take notes and share the video with your colleagues!