The role of video in integrated marketing campaigns is increasing at a rapid pace. The bar for creating a compelling, viral video that drives both awareness and buyer interest is dropping, but marketers still need to be strategic about the components and make-up of a good video.
Based on an analysis of some of the Web’s most successful videos, as well as more targeted videos that drive behavior with a specific audience, here are six elements that consistently make good videos worth sharing.
Even serious brands can incorporate a sense of humor into their message and visuals. It’s a great way to show your human side, to help get the prospect’s guard down a bit, and to keep their attention to share a more serious or directed message and call to action.
Good videos have a purpose. A beginning and end. They have a story line, no matter how thin or superficial. You should be able to write this story in the form of a script or storyboard before you start producing frame one.
Get to the point quickly. We won’t watch anything that’s not premeditated online for more than five minutes. Two to three minutes is even better. Keep things moving.
You’re not trying to talk to everyone. Know who your audience is, what they want, and ultimately what you want from them. A successful video doesn’t need millions of impressions. it needs maximum exposure and pass-along specifically to the people you care most about.
Clearly doesn’t have to be explicit. To see a great video that demonstrates an appropriate use of sex but tempered with humor, check this out.
Do something people aren’t expecting. That alone could be the trigger that gets people to click the social share buttons at the bottom of or at the end of the video.
So what works for you? What common elements of good online videos consistently get you to engage and share?