Great customer service is simple, easy, and focused on results.
It seems like there’s a rush to add more and more to our offerings and become the one-stop solution to solving all of the world’s needs.
Pick what problem you’re going to solve, how you’re going to do it, then make it great.
Customers see the difference between those service and products that add value, are useful, and benefit them, ultimately making a more positive customer experience and those that don’t.
Conventional wisdom says that to beat your competitors you need to one-up them. If they have four features, you need five (or 15, or 25). If they’re spending x, you need to spend xx. If they have 20, you need 30.
This sort of one-upping Cold War mentality is a dead-end.
Start today:
- Less features
- Less options/preferences
- Less people and corporate structure
- Less meetings and abstractions
- Less promises
Focus today:
We have plenty. We have more than enough. We don’t need 1,000,000 new things. We DO need to make what we have now be great.
Your customer service team doesn’t need to do everything. But what you do, needs to be great.