This Monday, let’s start off on the right foot with some positive reinforcement. It’s a good best practice to share positive post-call survey comments from the individual call center agent report cards with the entire group.
Capturing the voice of the customer in post-call surveys shows a lot more than the percentage of delight. It also shows the customers’ satisfaction complete with the emotion and personality. Customer satisfaction comments like the ones below become an intrinsic motivator to maintain and increase employee productivity and customer service skills.
“I liked your confidence and how you handled my call. I think you’re a great representative for this company. I appreciated everything you did for me. Thank you very much. If I get a hold of you in the future, I’ll try and respect that and keep our relationship in a business manner.”
“The lady was polite, knowledgeable, quick, pleasant to deal with, and they should put her picture on some of the money.”
“I wish all customer service reps were like Jason. He was very kind and courteous and very thoughtful and totally aware of my dishpan hands.”
“Your help was finer than frog’s hair.”
Happy Monday!