Your level of character, and mine, and our ability to handle difficult situations, comes through the challenges we face. This is where the rubber meets the road, where we find out what we’re made of.
“The question is, what have you learned, and what can you improve on?”
While few people like to be challenged, no one cares to be overloaded to the point of frustration and hopelessness. However, in times of challenge, our attitude can be strongly affected by having a deeper understanding of the struggles we face. By understanding that something different and more refined can come of this, the struggle becomes a little easier; the burden a little easier to carry.
We all can take pride in the abilities we’ve demonstrated in navigating through the many changes that have occurred recently due to economic factors and re-alignment of business focus. The question is, what have you learned, and what can you improve on? Once you know what you’re made of, you know exactly where have the capacity to grow.
“In every crisis there is a message. Crises are nature’s way of forcing change–breaking down old structures, shaking loose negative habits so that something new and better can take their place.” –Susan Taylor