Traditional process design approaches, including LSS, Lean and Six Sigma, assess as-is process, then design to-be process, often with an eye to improving customer experience. Guess you could call this the “two slices of bread” approach – as-is process spread across one, to-be spread across the other, not much in between.
O-I is the whole sandwich. First the as-is assessment. Last the to-be design. But in the middle the “meat” of customer-centricity.
Once current state process is defined and documented, O-I goes from tactical to strategic, from process to planning. Informed by as-is process assessment, O-I digs beneath obvious customer needs and expectations to fundamentally understand what customers are really after and how and why current constraints prevent them from getting it.
Now the sandwich making starts. Developing a 360°understanding of customer aspirations requires careful planning that gathers all the inputs; synthesizes them; processes them; and generates “ah-hah” moments of discovery. Here’s where new product/service ideas, new approaches to market; new definitions of a company’s business; and ultimately customer-centric strategies emerge. And here’s where transformative change originates.
With the meat in the middle, the to-be process slice can go on top.
Hungry? Ready for a bite?