We recently had the pleasure of adding some great new customer service representatives to our team. One of them, Monica, brought in Banana Split Cookies the other day. They were truly mind-blowing! Shortly after eating one of the cookies another newbie, Erica sent an email expressing her gratitude in grand fashion. I responded to Erica and told her that her email made me smile. Erica then responded to me saying “That’s great! I collect smiles.”
“I Collect Smiles!” Does that blow your mind like it does mine? What a fantastic concept when we talk about serving others. What are some things that you might be collecting other than smiles? Perhaps it’s a number of things that lead to frowns or whatever you would call this “:/” (Not sure if that emoticon translates on your browser). Make it your goal today to collect smiles. Keep an informal tally at your desk and let’s see who has the biggest collection.
Happy Monday everyone. If you spend your day collecting smiles I can assure you it really will be a happy Monday!