I am always thankful for the opportunity to write for Contact Center Pipeline. The publication provides consistenly relevant information for contact center leaders. I am honored to be a part of the writing team several times each year.
The December issue is filled with great information and includes my article “Leading The Culture Shift.” The article offers nine steps for redefining the vision, mission, strategy, goals and tactics of the organization – along with steps to understand and shift the culture based on those goals. It does not offer a quick-fix but a long-term strategy for success.
“Culture is not what the management team says but what employees say when management is not around. Culture is the “story” they tell friends and family when they talk about their job.”
You can download a free copy of the entire December magazine here: Click Here
My article starts on page 15. There is also a link for downloading a special worksheet to help you put the concepts into practice in your center.