Customer management programmes can achieve all of these things with a visible return within 3 months if [designed correctly]. In 2009 alone, our clients have identified practical ways of achieving up to 35% increases in revenue (6% market share increase); 28% reduction in costs; 12% increase in EBIT. Customer management is a vital lever of business performance, and investors and analysts are beginning to take more notice of how well companies manage customers. Make sure you can tell them.
Ask any manager who has successfully implemented a new customer management strategy or system about the one vital ingredient of success. Very likely, they’ll say ‘Leadership’. Visible, active, passionate leadership. Research shows* time and time again that leaders have a vital role in making customer management change happen. Without strong Leadership, customer management projects tend to be reduced to within-function process changes, one-off campaigns, small scale training exercises or customer experience projects with grand aims that end up having little or no impact on the customers’ experience!
So, it follows, if leaders want to increase business performance significantly (arguably in every industry) they need to lead their organisations visibly and consistently to manage customers more professionally. A chapter in our forthcoming book is for leaders who want to guide their organisations to become better managers of customers. Leave a comment here and we’ll send you an e-copy of the leadership chapter, packed with examples, behaviours, tips and techniques for business leaders. Thanks