To please the new breed of customer, you must trigger their emotional impulses, which override their rational thinking. Companies must sell products and services that appeal to the dreams of their customers. You cannot rely on market analysis, consumer studies or product clinics alone. You need to be able to capture your customers’ imagination.
The Business of Marketing and Selling Dreams
In order to secure business success, your company needs to establish its brand. Brand awareness is critical because it translates into name recognition, customer awareness, sales and profits.
What do successful companies have in common?
While their products may be different, they do share the same common purpose: They look to fulfill the dreams of their customers. People dream about certain products or services because they have value for their design, technology, or cultural impact. So in order to sell dreams, companies must produce products and services that are strikingly attractive, original, socially desirable, and exceptionally well crafted.
How does marketing change?
Merely reaching the market is no longer enough. Be a leading marketer instead of a general marketer. Marketing the dream is based on the fact that, to achieve blockbuster success, you have to be able to interpret and shape your customers’ strongest desires. Your product is not a dream, but it can be the inspiration for a dream. A crown may inspire a person to wish to be a king. The dream is to become king, not to own a crown. Your new marketing strategy is responsible for arousing the dream state of their customers.
Your marketing needs to consider all of the different purchasing motivations of customers in order to build a convincing dream. A person may choose to purchase a bottle of fine wine due to a variety of motivators ranging from symbolic (establishing social status), to pleasure-seeking (enjoying pleasure), to aesthetic (admiring the quality of the creation).
Choosing your dream marketing strategy
Choose a dream marketing strategy that follows your product’s intended life cycle. Short-term products, such as fashion and perfumes, need aggressive marketing strategies that are constantly renewed through PPCs, SEO and Social Media. A strong promotional launch based around symbolic and pleasure-seeking motivators builds a base of customers who will attract future customers by word of mouth. Jewelry, luggage, and accessories are medium term products that require a subtler marketing approach. Along with pleasure-seeking and symbolic motivators, aesthetic values must also be promoted. Long-term products, such as yachts, specialty food, wine, and furniture, require a strategy that focuses on aesthetic values and the uniqueness of the product.
Marketing and Financing Creativity
Selling dream products and services successfully requires creativity of an artistic nature. Your focus in selling dreams is to make a business. Normally the financial department of your organization is responsible for enforcing a strict work discipline. Unfortunately, the financial department’s obsession with the bottom line could be a detriment to the long-term success of a company in the business of selling dreams. Your company’s financial directives need to allow your organization to take risks and have a long-term focus.
Putting together the expertise and credibility necessary to create dream products and services takes time. A company needs to be able to take risks and experiment with different solutions that will stir peoples’ emotions and convey the company’s original taste. It is virtually impossible to consistently create dreams without long-term thinking and risk taking. It’s not easy to be successful selling dream products and services, but once you are, it can transform the rest of the life of the company