CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 17, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Today, inbound marketing software company, HubSpot, Inc. announced that the company’s Social Inbox tool will now integrate with LinkedIn (LNKD) Company pages, allowing HubSpot customers to publish and promote content on the full suite of LinkedIn Profiles, Groups and Company Pages. LinkedIn Company Pages will be available to all customers starting June 17th. With the announcement, HubSpot will become one of the first comprehensive marketing software companies to integrate with LinkedIn Company Pages.
Of the news, Mike Volpe, CMO of HubSpot, noted, “HubSpot data shows that social media marketing using LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rates of any channel, so it’s no surprise that posting directly from HubSpot to LinkedIn Company Pages was a top priority for marketers. One of the biggest challenges marketers face in managing their social media growth is finding the time to schedule, promote, and measure the efficacy of their efforts in one location; HubSpot’s Social Inbox creates a single dashboard through which marketers can share content across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Groups, and now LinkedIn Company Pages, saving valuable time, energy, and effort while maximizing social media reach.”
Last month, HubSpot announced that the company’s Social Inbox tool will put the social back in social media, making interactions on social media more personalized and lovable by prioritizing people over posts, and humans over handles. Along with today’s announcement, HubSpot’s Social Inbox now allows marketers to:
• Publish and schedule content from Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Groups, and LinkedIn Company Pages within HubSpot
• With the addition of Company Pages, you can also now track Reach on LinkedIn
• View both macro and micro level results for each social network, including clicks, retweets, and conversion behaviors
• Monitor Twitter activity with features that include list segmentation, notification when prospects, leads, or customers mention your brand or competitors, and the ability to respond to tweets or send an email to follow up on a tweet all from within HubSpot
Volpe noted, “inbound marketing is rooted in the notion that marketing should be less interruptive and more personalized and lovable. Social media is a critical vehicle to make inbound marketing successful by sharing and promoting content, engaging and responding to concerns and questions, and cultivating conversations your prospects, customers, and leads care about. As a result, Social Inbox is designed to maximize the impact of social media for marketers while minimizing the time they need to spend to manage each channel.”
About HubSpot
HubSpot is on a mission to replace the world’s interruptive and annoying marketing with marketing people love. Designed to make marketing efficient, effective, and measurable, HubSpot’s all-in-one inbound marketing software is integrated, powerful, and intuitive to use. Over 8,600 companies, agencies, and partners in 56 countries use HubSpot’s software, services, and expertise to engage with prospects, leads, and customers through social media, blogs, email, landing pages, and more. HubSpot is headquartered in Cambridge, MA, with offices in Dublin, Ireland, and has been recognized by Inc., Forbes, and Deloitte as one of the world’s fastest-growing companies. For the love of marketing, learn more at