How do you coach attitudes in your sales team?
However, you can coach people on their behaviors. I don’t want to appear too blunt, but the bottom line is I don’t care about your attitude! Your attitude is driven from behaviors of yours, your family, the person in the lane next to you during your commute, etc…..
Your attitude is much more driven by emotions than behaviors can be. Behaviors can be agreed upon, taught, practiced and performed no matter what your attitude is.
It is true that the more activities are all lined up for you, makes selling an easier game. When you have a good attitude, it is easier to let negative comments slip over your back. Not so true when you have a bad attitude.
As coaches, we have to have an agreement with our team that all of us may have a bad attitude at times. Friends, family and others can help us deal with the cause of those attitudes. Quite frankly, the agreement I have had with my teams is to recognize that in them and in myself, but then to focus on the behaviors we will demonstrate at work.
So, keep your coaching to behaviors. Keep the rep focused on the techniques they learned which were demonstrable with good or bad attitudes. Go out and have a great day of excellent behaviors and your prospects will respond with positive behaviors themselves!
Good Selling and Good Coaching!
Coach Jim