If you have not implemented an A/B Testing program for your landing pages you may be missing out on a valuable opportunity to for conversion rate optimization. Although the name implies there are only two versions, A/B Testing compares the success rate for multiple variations of a single landing page. A/B Testing has recently gained in popularity simply due to the fact that it works.
A/B Testing Basics
To conduct an A/B Test, a business must first develop alternative versions of a landing page, which feature differing copy, images and design on key components of the page. After the pages have been developed, the A/B Test is run by equally splitting randomly assigned website traffic between the different versions of the web page. The performance of each page is measured according to the pages’ overall usability, including bounce rates, conversion rates, sales, time on page, etc.
By taking the best performing elements and combining them together, A/B Testing can help facilitate conversion rate optimization. Here are some of the landing page components, and how they can be adjusted to facilitate the best results in A/B Testing.
Landing Page Components
The first step in A/B Testing is to identify the landing page elements that will have the biggest impact on overall conversion rates and contribute the most towards increasing profits. The best practices in landing page design have identified the Headline, Subtitle, Image and Call-to-Action as the “must have” components for landing page success. This is a good place to begin, however after testing these initial elements your can continue to increase your conversion rate optimization by testing additional elements of your landing page as well.
Headline and Subtitle
Best practices in landing page design and layout deem that businesses include a highly visible Headline and supporting Subtitle at the top of the page. Your copy for these elements should clearly define your Unique Selling Proposition, in wording that is clear, concise and scan-able. Focus on testing out a few versions of your Headline and Subtitle that help your prospects understand why the products or services you provide are better than your competition and what benefit this brings to your customers.
Your landing page should include a key image or photo that shows your product or service being used in context or an image that engages with your customers. In many instances, an image of an attractive smiling woman has been proven to deliver the best conversion rates. However, you should test various images and placements to ensure you obtain the highest conversion rate optimization.
Your Call-to-Action (CTA) should appeal to your prospects by telling them what they have to gain. Avoid terminology that is demanding and use “you” or “my” to connect with your audience. Test page using words like “do” and “get” to determine which has the best impact on reinforcing these concepts and motivating your prospects.
Other CTA examples include:
- Try it for free
- Start my/your free trial
- Get my/your free E-book
- Schedule my/your demo/consultation
- Increase my/your ROI today
A short bulleted list of the benefits your prospects will receive from your products or services can be like “icing on the cake”. Depending on the products or services offered, listing 3 to 5 brief benefits may help your conversion rate optimization. In most instances, it may not have a measurable positive impact but it will not have a negative impact either.
Colors and Graphics
A/B Testing is a great way to test the color theory that works best with your target audience. Colors have been proven to successfully convey and impact buyer emotions. Subtle variations on a single color or combination of colors can have a substantial effect on landing page conversion rate optimization. A/B Testing is a cost-effective way to determine which design works best for your products or services, and the results are often surprising.
Additional Page Components
Although they may seem insignificant there are numerous additional page components that can be tested to assist with conversion rate optimization. Many businesses have found that listing the logos of business partners or other validations like the Verisign® trust symbol can have a small but meaningful impact on the tested page’s conversion rates.
A/B Testing should become a standard and ongoing practice to assist with landing page conversion rate optimization. Optimization should be a continual practice of testing and fine tuning your messaging to achieve the optimal results in sales and conversions.