Starting a business is hard work – you have to be in the front row seat on your own journey toward business ownership. You have the idea, you have the vision, and you have the materials gathered to make your dream a reality. Opening a business is quite a risk with the potential for great rewards, and you’ve decided to take the plunge. Welcome to a world of constant change and adaptation to a constantly changing market. Welcome to a place where followers are lost and won every second, a place where your game can change more quickly than you can keep track of. Best of luck as you tackle the world.
Content Matters
The leading researchers in the global marketplace tell us that content matters. The message you send each time you publish a new piece of material to your website or your desk in store matters. Never discredit the power a few vivid descriptions, a couple of deep recommendations can have on your business.
Gathering as many customers as possible is part of the first step. It takes time to collect people who believe in your vision and are willing to work alongside you to make it happen. Who believes in you? Who will tell others about their positive experiences with you? Building a brand comes from building a group of supporters. Using content and influencer marketing techniques, you can implement testimonials and potential celebrity support. More and more people are accumulating on your newsletter list, and that’s a great thing! Now the question becomes how can we engage our existing customers more?
Regardless of your product, regardless of your business style, online or in person, the content quality matters. Your presence on social media matters. Your reputation in your specific community and network matters. Whether companies like it or not, so much of marketing is done online. The days of newspaper ads and television commercials are really over in a lot of ways. So how do we keep up with the ever-changing social media environment?
Frequently Post Content
Again, the biggest priority for business owners should be to supply any website or social media platform with frequent, quality content. This can happen by utilizing any writing skills of employees or by hiring someone exclusively to manage the Internet presence of the organization. Taking time to make posts count will show to your followers – people can tell when words are thrown together just because. Of course, the frequency is important, and you want to be consistent, but do not sacrifice quality for speed and constant production. For example, a little blurb about using your brand of toothpaste, full of typos and a blurry image, is going to be much less effective than a more thought out ads with photos that took a bit more time and words that were edited by several pairs of eyes before publishing.
Engage Your Audience
One example of high-quality content that I find very engaging for consumers is the quiz or poll concept. Anytime an advertisement or an organization offers me a way to better understand myself or to learn something new about what other people think about something, I always feel myself being pulled in. Humans are selfish creatures – they want to know more and more about themselves and want to feel included in something bigger. This makes humans the perfect candidate for quizzes and polls.
To illustrate this idea, think about an organization that sells high-quality makeup remover. Simply showing pictures of the makeup removing wipes are not going to get people interested in using your product. However, showing beautiful people cleaning their faces could work better. Offering a quiz about your dream face or how your makeup routine tells you something about your lifestyle could work even better. Getting consumers involved in the process of creating their own opinions about a product consciously allows them to take credit for their discovery of you. Too often, consumers feel like advertisements are being shoved down their throats, that they cannot escape the constant influx of companies trying to steal their money. I think the strategy of allowing the consumer to be in charge helps empower them in the process instead of degrading them. The quizzes, the interactive sites where materials are personalized to your own needs – those are the kinds of marketing techniques that are going to keep consumers interested and this is the type of content that goes viral.
Grab Attention
Flashy colors and sparkly fonts are always going to grab people’s attention online. Celebrities and models can turn heads in any advertisement. How unique, though, to cater your consumers’ experiences with your business toward what makes them happy? How can we help anyone in the market without discovering what types of content they are actually looking for? Good content comes from experienced business owners. It comes from doing your research and taking your time. Rushing toward a sale can really hurt the consumer’s experience and hinder the potential for future sales.
Personalize The Whole Experience
Once, I was in a store shopping for a dress for a party I was going to. Most of the stores had similar clothing, nothing really stood out to me as “The One” for the occasion, especially not at the prices I was seeing. What did end up standing out to me where the employees at one particular store asking me my name, talking to me about the style of the outfit I was currently wearing, attempting to get to know me as a human, at least a little bit. Why can’t we create those personalized experiences with everyone we encounter, either online or in our places of business? Why must we lose the familiarity that should come with investment and a community marketplace?
Engagement is essential. If people can’t interact with your product, they will not want to purchase. If they see inconsistencies in your marketing materials, they will lose interest and faith in your mission. Find out more than just what consumers are willing to spend on you and your product. Seek to involve them in the process of discovering what both of you need from each other. The more dialogue we can bring back into the buying and selling experience, the fuller the world’s global marketplace will be.