Service is complicated, however, it is also pretty simple.
Universally,customers pretty much want the same thing; fast, friendly, hassle free service.
The best companies, those organizations who consistently exceed customer expectations are always focusing on creating less.
In service, less is more. What I mean by that is less effort, less obstacles, less time and less hassles mean better experiences, more positive stories, and increased loyalty.
One of the things that I have been saying for years is that low effort service organizations focus on seeking feedback from high effort customers.
Use these six keys to create exceptional employee and customer experiences.
Six Ways Hassle Free Companies Operate
1. They enable front line staff to deliver hassle free experiences by removing constraining metrics and obstacles.
2. They practice experience engineering by arming reps to actively guide the customer through key touch points to a desired outcome.
3. They prioritize customer effort reduction above all else and focus on being seamless and hassle free.
4. They don’t just resolve the current issue. They also practice experience improvement to head off the next likely issue through issue avoidance.
5. They minimize channel switching during an interaction.
6. Yes, they have reps proactively seek out feedback from customers who have endured high effort experiences.
So, how easy are you to do business with?
Are you hassle free? Or are you high maintenance?