One of the toughest challenges of going to a conference is picking which sessions to attend. Usually, there are time slots during the day when there is nothing jumping and other times where you wish you could be in three places at once.
I recently missed hearing Dr. Jose Briones speak and after seeing his presentation, realized I missed out on a good one. Jose’s presentation, My Boss Told Me To Get The Voice of the Customer, Now What?, covered the challenges of gathering customer feedback and introduces a new approach to improve your results.
I was able to catch-up with Jose after the conference and do a quick video interview (apologies, the camera briefly loses focus in the middle of the video):
What really grabbed my attention about Jose’s presentation was that fact that he called out the different approaches one needs to take with a VOC depending on where the product is in the development life-cycle. The gist being that if it is new innovation you need to take a different approach than an update to an existing product.
Really appreciate Jose talking the time to share his thoughts on the topic and look forward to hearing more. The entire presentation is available below and you can find more about Jose online and on Twitter.
Image Credit: Flickr