eXo, the enterprise Java portal and cloud user experience platform (UXP) company, today announced that eXo Cloud IDE is the first web-based IDE to support Java, extending its support for HTML, JavaScript, Groovy, PHP and Ruby languages. eXo Cloud IDE also offers a quick and easy on-ramp for deploying applications directly to several major Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) including CloudBees, Heroku, and Red Hat OpenShift.
News Highlights
• About eXo Cloud IDE: Launched in March, eXo Cloud IDE is a multi-tenant, hosted development environment that enables social coding—the collaborative development of applications, gadgets and mashups that can be deployed directly to a PaaS. eXo Cloud IDE is available online at http://www.cloud-ide.com/.
• Easy On-Ramp to PaaS Deployments: eXo Cloud IDE now includes a drop-down menu for easily deploying applications to Heroku and Red Hat OpenShift PaaS. By leveraging Git repositories, eXo Cloud IDE allows developers to manage, edit and redeploy changes from the PaaS menu. To deploy Java applications to CloudBees, developers build the apps using the CloudBees DEV@cloud service and deploy via the CloudBees RUN@cloud service.
• Robust IDE Goes Beyond JavaScript: With eXo Cloud IDE, the company goes beyond basic JavaScript to enable rich, functional development of REST services and Ruby, PHP and Java applications.
? Java/JSP support has been enhanced to include support for standard Java classes (Servlets or POJOs) and Java Server Pages (JSP). Developers can create standard Java projects in the cloud, and also test and deploy those projects directly to the cloud using Maven and Jenkins via CloudBees DEV@cloud capabilities. eXo Cloud IDE continues to let developers write REST APIs in Groovy using the JAX-RS specification and store structured data inside a Java Content Repository.
? PHP support gives developers another option for writing applications. As with other languages supported by eXo Cloud IDE—including Ruby—every file has color syntaxing, outline and auto code completion.
• Improved Git Support: eXo Cloud IDE now features a new, easy-to-use Git menu, which natively integrates protocol commands. This gives developers access to Git controls, as well as visibility into the version history of repositories, without ever having to leave the eXo Cloud IDE domain.
Supporting Quotes
• Sacha Labourey, founder and CEO of CloudBees: “eXo CloudIDE developers can not only deploy their applications to CloudBees RUN@cloud Java PaaS in a snap, but they can also leverage CloudBees DEV@cloud and benefit from Git code repositories, Jenkins-based Continuous Integration and Maven repositories, all nicely integrated. This provides a complete development and runtime environment in the cloud.”
• Benjamin Mestrallet, eXo founder and CEO: “The primary goal of eXo Cloud IDE is to provide a cloud service where teams of developers can collaborate and build applications in the language they prefer, while also giving them the freedom and flexibility to deploy their applications to the different cloud platforms available in the market. With this announcement, we now support three different PaaS offerings and their distinct deployment models.”
Online Resources
• Video demo: Deploying a Rails App to Heroku with eXo Cloud IDE; http://www.exoplatform.com/company/en/resource-viewer/Getting-Started-Guide/deploy-a-ruby-on-rails-app-to-heroku-with-exo-cloud-ide
• Tutorial: How to Deploy a Java App to CloudBees; http://www.exoplatform.com/company/en/resource-viewer/Tutorial/how-to-deploy-a-java-app-to-cloudbees
• Tutorial: How to Deploy to Red Hat OpenShift PaaS; http://www.exoplatform.com/company/en/resource-viewer/Tutorial/how-to-deploy-an-app-to-openshift
• Tutorial: How to Deploy a Ruby On Rails App to Heroku PaaS; http://www.exoplatform.com/company/en/resource-viewer/Tutorial/how-to-deploy-a-ruby-on-rails-application-to-heroku-using-the-exo-cloud-ide
• About eXo Cloud IDE: http://cloud-ide.com/about.html
Recent News
• eXo Cloud IDE Now Available in the Chrome Web Store; http://blog.exoplatform.org/2011/06/15/exo-cloud-ide-now-available-in-the-chrome-web-store/
• History of eXo Cloud IDE; http://blog.exoplatform.org/2011/03/15/history-of-exo-cloud-ide/
• eXo Extends Enterprise Portals to the Cloud; http://blog.exoplatform.org/2011/03/15/exo-extends-enterprise-portals-to-the-cloud/
For more information on eXo, please visit http://exoplatform.com. For additional perspectives, please visit and subscribe to eXo RSS blog feeds at http://blog.exoplatform.org/. Follow eXo on Twitter at @exoplatform.
About eXo
eXo offers the first and only user experience platform for Java. The eXo Platform makes Java websites and applications faster to build and easier to deploy, and offers modern features such as content, collaboration, social and knowledge on a services-based architecture. The company has established technology leadership and proven value by their large European installed base and strategic partnerships with Red Hat and Bull. eXo maintains U.S. headquarters in San Francisco, Calif. with global headquarters in France and offices in Tunisia, Ukraine and Vietnam. For news and updates from eXo, follow @exoplatform.