Designing and executing a customer-centric business model requires end to end organisational alignment. Customer-centric capability development cannot take place in isolation to the rest of the business. The customer-centric journey requires a clear quantified understanding of current organisational capability across all 14 capability areas of the SCHEMA® Customer Management framework in the centre of the REAP Customer-Centric Blueprint below. As important as an understanding of current customer management capability is, so too is an understanding of the capability to which the organisation aspires.
Each week I’ll address another single capability area, sharing with you the Transformation Intent to which your organisation should commit to, as well as ‘What Good Looks Like’ for those organisations that have achieved a fairly high level of maturity in the respective capability area.
The REAP Customer-Centric Organisation Blueprint®
This week we are dealing with Measurement which is one of the six Enabling capability areas represented. The Enablers explore the components needed to energise your transformation and will invariably involve changes that can be planned for within the current business cycle, for implementation in the next budgetary or operating period. These components support your capability to implement your chosen customer strategies and rely on the fundamental building blocks (Foundations) already discussed in Part 1 to 4 of this series of blog posts.
Transformation Intent – Measurement
“While customer-centricity does not change the importance of organisational performance measurement, it does change what, when and how you measure business performance. In order to measure the right information about your customers at the right time you need to create “line of light” measurement that connects your customer measures and the profitability improvements, driven by a clear focus on your customer value drivers.”
What Good Looks Like – Measurement
- The management team regularly reviews a balanced set of measures that describe performance against the core customer value drivers. These cascade down the organisation so that each part has a line-of-sight from their customer-focussed measures to overall profitability.
- Channels and media (both owned and earned) are measured consistently in terms of the impact they have on customer value drivers.
- All staff have, understand, and are committed to, their own customer metrics and these drive the correct behaviours for the role that they are there to perform.
- Wide-ranging campaign measures are increasingly real-time and are stored and used to influence future campaign plans.
- Customer engagement (and what it means to the organisation) has been defined, is being measured and includes emotional indicators as well as behavioural indicators.
For more insight into customer-centric business model innovation as well as more insight into this particular area of the REAP Customer-Centric Blueprint, please see my book “The Customer-Centric Blueprint’ –