#799 in the Project was submitted via a blog comment by Lisa Thorell
Totally sweet (carbonated) post, Stan! I like your distinction between Branded Acts of Kindness vs. Random Acts of Kindness. I have been the recipient of one of Chipotle’s RAOK lunch burritos – and it truly surprised me and forever imprinted their brand on my brain. I notice that Chipotle [CMG] does not make a big deal of this (little PR outreach on it). At least for me, that makes me respect them even more than Coke or Pepsi. When the Brand RAOK = Pure RAOK I get suspicious. And I like the distinction of Lagniappe RAOK too — when an RAOK is not episodic or part of a one-off campaign, but embedded as a regularly occurring activitiy in a company culture. I know CMG does that. Not so sure with PEPSI/Coke here — is this all temporary for Brand RAOK—will it all go away soon…so we don’t associate these RAOKs with them? Hmmmm…
Today’s Lagniappe (a little something extra thrown in for good measure) – Inspired by ‘Chocolate Rain’, here’s Chipotle and ‘Burrito Rain’. “Some eat meat and others vegetate”:
Lagniappe defined: A marketing lagniappe, i.e. purple goldfish, is any time a business goes above and beyond to provide a ‘little something extra’. It’s that unexpected surprise that’s thrown in for good measure.
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