I am thrilled to share the most comprehensive directory of B2B online customer communities on the web and perhaps even the planet! We published our first Big List in 2011 and just finished an exhaustive period of research and review to bring you the following 106 dynamic communities.
From IT pros and CIOs to plumbers, baristas, and dentists. From frequent fliers to small business owners, you’ll find them all and more, right here.
The Big List functions as a much deserved acknowledgment of B2B communities and their dedicated community managers, fierce executive champions and collaborative members. A lot has happened in the world of B2B online communities over the past three years. Some of the communities from the original Big List have grown exponentially in size and influence, numerous new ones have been formed and some have faltered; a number of those in our 2011 edition have since closed or become inactive. So, hats off to the shining stars –you have opened the door to enormous transformational opportunities for your organizations, and power to the new pioneers –may the force of operational alignment be with you!
The limited exposure of many B2B customer communities is why the Big List has become such a valuable resource –it generates conversation and insight into the diverse eco-systems of B2B communities and gives community professionals a chance to applaud the great work being done among B2B community builders. And, just for the record, when we say “online customer communities,” we mean an interactive, often-gated website that a company sets up for customers to collaborate on topics of mutual interest.
We look forward to featuring some of the communities below in case studies, and further spotlighting intriguing and innovative communities!
Big List 2.0
- The first 11 communities (green) are ones we chose to highlight due to their breadth, an innovative approach, or a unique feature for members.
- The rest of the list is organized in alphabetical order, for a grand total of 106!
- And, if we missed citing your community please take a moment to fill out our short B2B Customer Community Project questionnaire so that we can learn about your community and potentially include it in the future.
- Be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow me on Twitter @vdimauro to receive information about updates to the Big List.
SCROLL down on the right to see the entire list:
Special thanks to all who helped grow the Big List even bigger! To those who participated this year and in the past, our many friends and influencers who shared the call for participation to their followers, and a special thanks to Mike Ellsworth for adding to the Big List and including it in his forthcoming book, Infinite Pipeline: v. 1.1.