Automating customer service can be like playing with fire.
On Tuesday, the International Customer Management Institute (ICMI) hosted it’s regular Tweet chat at 10am Pacific (1pm Eastern). Things got a little weird when AT&T stumbled into the conversation.
ICMI’s Tweet chat is a great way to connect with contact center leaders and discuss customer service. The beauty of a Tweet chat is anyone can join in just by following the #icmichat hashtag.
We were enjoying a lively conversation about the importance of delighting customers versus making things easy when Becky Levy sent this Tweet:
Other participants chimed in to voice their support and share their perspective:
I couldn’t resist poking a little fun:
That’s when AT&T’s Twitter team wandered into the conversation. Their automated social listening program responded to several of us using the @ATTCares Twitter handle.
A few of us responded to the Tweets. My guess is that was the point when an actual person read our messages because nobody responded.
But, that didn’t stop the automated responses.
Karen never responded. I guess we’ll never know where she comes out on customer delight vs. ease of service.
So, we all had a good laugh at AT&T’s expense. All thanks to automation. Sadly, AT&T has played the role of psycho ex before.