Thierry de Baillon
Branding & web strategist, Druckerian marketer with a sustainability and cross-culture flavour. Passionate about learning.
A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak at BPM Conference Portugal by Alberto Manuel, its chairman and delightful host. My talk focused...
I always have been an ardent supporter of true qualitative research. Yet, data IS interesting, specially when, considered under the right angle, it helps...
Every day, we can see new evidences that our society is broken. More than ever, we live on the edge of an era, without...
For once, I would like to tell you a little story. When, my wife and me, we arrived the other day at our country...
Co-evolution of organizations, technology and people is even more a fact we have to assess and embrace than a necessity. Yet, most of present...
Our world is changing. Fast. Radically. To cope with this pace of evolution, or to simply avoid disruption, organizations must evolve. The Glorious Thirties,...
I was recently invited to participate to a session during the Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris, along with Jon Husband and Richard Collin, on...
Most of today's organizations are powerful productive machines, which were founded and grew up during an era where mass production was the norm, and...
I know, we are now in 2013, and announcing anything for a past date falls short from being a prediction. But as we are...
Technology is influencing more than the way we work, it also deeply changes the notion of workplace. As IBM wrote in 2011 in its...
Reconciling Organizational Improvement and Reinvention Through Social Business Design This post is the second of a two-parts article on innovation and social business co-written with...
Business Model Innovation as Wicked Problem This post is the first of a two-parts article on innovation and social business co-written with Ralph-Christian Ohr (@ralph_ohr)...
"Increasingly, strategic advantage for corporate institutions will hinge on privileged positions in relevant concentrations of high-value knowledge flows and the adoption of practices required...
This might look like a holiday postcard, and it in some way is. Summer always offers a great opportunity to switch off, step back...
I had yesterday one of many great conversations with Luis Suarez on Twitter, during the online chat organized by CMSWire around social business. The...
In The Social Psychology of Organizing, Karl Weick exposed the theory of enactment, stating that organizations were fundamentally an abstraction of the reality, essentially...
Organizations are facing today the most challenging conditions of their history. Turbulent times in economy, geopolitical threats, environmental and societal issues, are setting the...
History, we know, is apt to repeat itself, and to foist very old incidents upon us with only a slight change of costume. George Eliot…
Version française ici. This post is the first of a two-parts article on design thinking co-written with Ralph-Christian Ohr (@ralph_ohr). As businesses are more and...
From knowledge management to social business, nearly every framework or practical initiative tackling the human dimensions of organizational efficiency emphasizes on knowledge sharing. Most...