Stefanie Amini
Stefanie Amini is the Marketing Director and Specialist in Customer Success at WalkMe, the world's first interactive online guidance system. She is chief writer and editor of I Want It Now (, a blog for Customer Service Experts. Follow her @StefWalkMe.
So, the other day, I was watching TV haphazardly, and I saw a rather amusing episode of a cartoon, in which a customer service...
I recently started exploring the idea that 'are companies thinking about the agent when offering a great customer experience?' Perhaps, the ultimate goal of having...
Great customer support is more or less the holy grail of most businesses. Considering business is a system of companies doing their best to...
I've spent a fair deal of my time in recent years giving out customer experience tips to those in the CRM, CS and UX...
I thought this article would be interesting even to brick-and-mortar retailers because it examines the way the customer experience affects a business' long term...
We always grew up on the premise that the customer is always right (even if it wasn't always the case) and that customer support...
Many advances in technology have transformed the way people all over the world are conducting business and performing their job duties. In fact, some...
Many companies in different industries and business nature are striving to look for ways to have better company standing and profitability, and one key...
Customer service is a tricky thing to implement across the board so that logistics and customer convenience perfectly line up. It's been a difficulty...
Call centers are essential tools in today's business world – but they should be used for essential services, and not to resolve issues –...
For several years back in the 2000?s, I worked as a customer service professional via telephone, and I have some customer service phone tips...
An interview with Alon Waisman, Social Media operations manager at Go Daddy 2013 is set to be the year when enterprises adopt social media…