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Michael Lowenstein

Michael Lowenstein, PhD CMC
Michael Lowenstein, PhD CMC, specializes in customer and employee experience research/strategy consulting, and brand, customer, and employee commitment and advocacy behavior research, consulting, and training. He has authored seven stakeholder-centric strategy books and 400+ articles, white papers and blogs. In 2018, he was named to CustomerThink's Hall of Fame.

Ongoing Loyalty Program Value Challenges – And How to Fix Them

Loyalty, or reward, programs classically have two basic intentions and objectives. One is to be an important method of generating customer profile data...

Rethinking the Behavioral Impact of Corporate Reputation and Image

Today, Bob Thompson commented on Maz Iqbal's February 3rd blog, where Maz expounded on his personal reaction to Apple's acceptance of terrible working conditions...

Total Experience: The Rosetta Stone of Customer Behavior

It has pretty much become conventional wisdom that customer experience, particularly in transactional and service situations, is critical to leveraging downstream behavior. The Peppers...

Inside-Out Advocacy: Creating and Sustaining Customer Centricity and Customer Loyalty

We can all pretty much agree that much of customer loyalty behavior comes as a result of relevance, authenticity and trust, three essential elements...

Profitably Linking Employee Behavior to Customer Loyalty and Advocacy

Along with powerful, actionable customer experience insights and a customer-centric culture, it's almost impossible to have customer commitment and advocacy behavior without employees both...

The Other Side of Advocacy: Impact of Negative Word-of-Mouth, and Customer Alienation and Sabotage

Daiji wa shoji kara: "Serious disasters come from small causes" —Feudal Japanese proverb The polar opposite of Advocates are Saboteurs (or 'Badvocates', as coined by…

Customer Advocacy Behavior: Personal Brand Connection That is More Than Loyalty, Word-of-Mouth, or Recommendation

In 2003, customer loyalty consultant and author Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix introduced Net Promoter, aka NPS (for Net Promoter Score), through a widely-read Harvard...

Corporate Image, Trust, and Reputation and Customer Advocacy Behavior: Is There Linkage?

"The purest treasure mortal times afford is spotless reputation"—Richard II, Act 1, Scene 1, William Shakespeare Corporate trust and reputation matter. In fact, they are...

Customer Bonding and the Branded Experience

Of all retail companies, IKEA's combination of a unique selling concept, low prices, and terrific customer service have yielded levels of customer commitment, bonding...

The Strategic Marketing Case for Customer Advocacy Measurement

Whenever senior executives are asked to identify their most important corporate and marketing priorities, at the top of their lists, they invariably include issues...

Driving Customer Loyalty Behavior Through Employee Ambassadorship vs. Employee Engagement

The Conference Board has defined engagement as "a heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organization, that influences him or...

High-Tech Customer Service in the Spotlight

"It will not suffice to have customers that are merely satisfied. An unhappy customer will switch. Unfortunately, a satisfied customer may also switch, on...

Prospect Value Management: Maximize Profits, Not New Accounts

Historically, most companies devote considerably more energy and resources to winning or capturing customers than they do on keeping them. The term "conquest" is...

Social Media: Consider the Impact of Both Offline and Online Communication in Creating Customer Advocacy

Over the past few years, so much has changed about the way companies sell to, communicate with, market to, and maintain relations with their...

If You Can’t Get No Satisfaction, Trade Ratings for Truly Understanding Behavior

More than 40 years ago, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote I Can't Get No Satisfaction. Although the song was meant to be anti...

Optimizing Customer Experience: How One Auto Dealer Group Builds Trust and Commitment

It will not suffice to have customers that are merely satisfied. An unhappy customer will switch. Unfortunately, a satisfied customer may also switch, on...

Inside-Out Advocacy: Link Employee Attitudes and Actions to Customer Loyalty Behavior

How much influence do your employees have on customer value perceptions and loyalty behavior through their day-to-day interactions? At Royal Bank of Canada, agents...

Make Both an Emotional and Rational Appeal to Your Customers: Inside-Out and Outside-In Commitment and Advocacy

In 2006, American Express became the first company to take on musician and activist Bono's challenge to help the international fight against AIDS, tuberculosis...

Employee Ambassadors: Employee Attitudes, Beliefs and Actions Affect Customer Loyalty

During his 50-year film career, John Wayne made more than 170 movies. Arguably, one of the worst was The Barbarian and the Geisha, released...

Data, Data Everywhere … The Key Is Doing Something With It

Bill Gates, often a prophet, said in Business @ The Speed of Thought (Warner Books, 1999): The best way to put distance between you and...

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