Paul Laughlin
Paul helps companies make money from customer insight. That means helping them maximise the value they can drive from using data, analysis & research to intelligently interact with customers. Former Head of Customer Insights for Lloyds Banking Group Insurance, he has over 12 years experience of creating & improving such teams. His teams have consistently added over £10m incremental profit per annum through improvements to customer retention and acquisition.
So, the romance day of the year - Valentine's Day - is now behind us. It is surely a time when people think about...
Goal setting is trending at this time of year, so let me share what works for me. Amongst the many posts shared & goal-setting courses...
Enjoying the emotions of the event of my second son's wedding, last Saturday, was the highlight of our family's year. After the drama of the...
Some authors and industry experts have real staying power. Despite how much change happens in that industry, they manage to adapt and stay relevant to...
Are you neglecting the development of softer skills in your analysts? Talking to Customer Insight Leaders recently, including at the very pleasant DataIQ Talent...
Do you, or your team, spend sufficient time planning your analysis? When training analysts how to deliver more value, two topics have proved the most popular.…
When speaking about the power of converging different technical disciplines to yield customer insights, it's common for the conversation to focus on converging analytics &...
Too few companies have a Customer Strategy, let alone a Customer Insight (CI) Strategy. At least, that's my experience. In fact many business strategies...
The well trailed difficulties in recruiting data scientists or other analytical roles, followed by the equivalent challenge in retaining them long enough to recoup your...
As we get used to being in February already, it's time to bring our series on awards & trends for different technical areas to...
Following research & data, in our series on awards & forecast trends for 2015, it's the turn of analytics. Surprisingly, given the level of press attention...
Following on from our first post about awards & trends for research professionals, this week we turn our attention to data teams. Foundational to holistic customer...
Even though we are still fresh into a new year, it is around this time that we often see a spate of awards and...
This is the last in our series of 3 top tips for each of the technical teams that make up a fully effective Customer...
Following on from tips for your research and database marketing teams, this week we turn our attention to the 3rd quadrant of customer insight, your...
The latest in our series of ‘top tips’, are some thoughts on getting the most out of your Database Marketing team. By this name (or DBM), I...
Starting with this post, I am going to share a weekly series of ‘3 top tips’ for maximising the value of each of the...
There has been much on LinkedIn and Twitter in recent months about the shortfall in analytical resource, for the USA & UK especially. Several years ago...
This book has a dull cover and lacks any colour graphics within its pages. So, if you spot it, you might not be enthused....
Many commentators have recently debated the relative merits of Customer Effort Score (CES) verses Net Promoter Score (NPS). As a leader who remembers the controversy...