Kate Schackai
Kate combines a technical understanding of web 2.0 with classic PR savvy, resulting in online communications that both humans and Google love. She joins Crawford from WordPress development firm TCWebsite, where she worked in online marketing and search engine optimization.
I have a news flash that shouldn't be one: potential customers want to know what you do, how you can help them, and why...
I read too much, I'm sure, about technology, big data, and the various threads of the social economy that interest me. And from a...
It's fair to wonder about a communications tool that seems designed to refer to its users as "twits." "Tweeple" (not "twerps"?) may be a...
Like everyone and his brother, I'm currently plowing through Walter Isaacson's terrific biography of Steve Jobs. Too many blogs have been written about Jobs...
Do you serve the market? Or create it? It's a tough question because it's so easy to go wrong in both directions. But the...
That snarky tweet about your company is right there — in the public view and oh-so-tempting to respond to with an @reply. But hold...
I worked with a client some years back who had an impressive media budget, a growing customer base, and enviable attention from well-placed journalists...
I did something very unsocial this morning — I unfollowed nearly a hundred people on Twitter. It felt good, and not in a spiteful...
We live in a communicative era, and folks like me spend a lot of time telling folks like you how important it is to...
Quite possibly, now that YouTube is in talks with the California-based Center for Investigative Reporting to launch a service aimed at the kind of...
GigaOm had a great story last week about Twitter as a media entity, ending with the suggestion that the new media giant could be...
Another head-smacking moment, brought to you by page 34 in the September issue of Wired. And I quote: "The mistake isn't releasing something bad....
Think about the news yesterday, last week, last year. Lots of high tech stories (social media and Apple), and a slew of disasters, from...
"It's good to have a sense of your own limitations." That's the first thought that occurred to me (after my initial guffaw) when I saw...
Shooting the messenger is apparently an eternal impulse, most recently succumbed to by the British Prime Minister David Cameron — who thinks that shutting...
Disclosure: Right out of college, I went to work for an enormous telecom company, where I was introduced personally to jaw-dropping bureaucracy. Things have...
I caught up with a fellow PR flack late last week — his speciality is politics; mine is corporate. "Jeez," he told me with...
London, 19 July 2011 – Archaeologists digging near the site of the famed Globe Theater today uncovered remains of a 16th century carrier pigeon...
I have a habit of talking up interesting companies. Whether or not they have anything to do with the industries we specialize in, I...
Sometimes even the most market-savvy companies need a refresher course in PR 101. Case in point: the recent network crash of Amazon's cloud computing...