Josh Lowry
Vice President of Sales at LiquidPlanner. Startup advisor and investor for cloud and SaaS companies. Coach and student of business and leadership. 10X disciple.
In cloud, SaaS and sales in general, discounting is common practice to help get deals closed. While discounting can increase performance, it can also...
When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but of emotion. – Dale Carnegie In his book, The Maturity Factor,...
A SQL is a prospect that meets the sales team’s minimum requirements for engagement. While BANT is the best known SQL definition, 38% of...
A sales qualified lead (SQL) is a prospect that meets the sales team’s minimum requirements for engagement. While BANT is the best known SQL...
I am in the initial stages of planning LiquidPlanner’s sales kickoff meeting for 2016. One of the key agenda items will be sales training....