Dr. Johnny D. Magwood
Northeast Utilities Service Company
V.P. Customer Experience & Chief Customer Officer; Northeast Utilities Service Company. J. D. Power Smart Grid Advisory Council; Chairman- Housing Authority Baltimore City; Next Generation Utilities Advisory Board; Utility Knowledge Customer Service Council; CS Advisory Council; Magistrate Judge Seletion Committee. Marketing Executive Council; Mechanical Engineer - The Johns Hopkins University; MBA - Loyola University of Maryland; DBA - University of Phoenix; Doctoral dissertation; Mergers and Acquisition: The Role of Corporate Executives' Relationships with Stakeholders
Let me share my perspective on supplier-customer trust and the supplier's responsibility to assist the parent company's desire and business needs to resolve customer...
In progressive organizations, leaders are beginning or have already realized that scientific management in not the only management practices to improve market share, revenues,...
Future technologies will have far reaching implications as to the manner in which organizations are structured, operate, and transact day-to-day (24 hours per day)...
Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines is a standard-bearer for low cost carrier initiatives. The original founders, Rollin King and Herb Kelleher, started a different kind of...
Benefits Growth of the global markets and evolving businesses demands generates an institution of geographically dispersed virtual teams (McLean, 2007). Virtual teams operate...
Home organizations must assess the cultures and values of other nations where they do business. It is naïve to think that a set of...
There are a number a ways to define organizational value; however, whatever the definition, the ultimate outcome is to generate shareholders value. One method...
The globalization of the food industry has revolutionized the processing and distribution of food products in a manner that distinctly separates food production from...
The manner, in which CRM is entrenched and expressed in an organization, is contingent on how each business unit and the corporate culture understands...
When a marketer applies Porter's value chain model to express relationship-marketing, the data may contain information on a company's intangibles and elements of Porter's...
Negative appeals in advertisements challenges the theories established by practitioners and academics on the grounds that negative emotional applications have a place in advertising....
Great service, like the game of lacrosse, founded by the Native Americans, can be extremely demanding. Both require having a game strategy, a set...
Researchers suggested that collaborative customer relationships can promote long-term value creation for both suppliers and customers. Under the customer value management ideals, the duration...
Researchers suggest that customer satisfaction and a company's stock price should be connected. If not, marketers would have to reassess how the capitalistic...
There are two opposing marketing strategies; standardization versus adaptation of product offerings. Standardization means selling essentially the same product in all markets. Standardization links...
In 1833, Marcus Samuel who founded Shell Oil, as a shopkeeper, Samuel elected to expand his business to perform import and expert trading with...
Every corporation should be adamant about developing and sustaining an ethical business culture. Moreover, corporate executives must demonstrate ethical examples and ensure their...
Many practitioners agree that market orientation is the essence of modern marketing management and strategy. The difficulty of market orientation resides in the fact...
Mazda is amazing. When they wanted to create a brand new high performance car targeted for young upwardly mobile Japanese car buyers, they...
Corporate decision support systems (DSS) date back more than 40 years. Many DSS were developed in organizational silos, and therefore, were not integrated across...