Home Authors Posts by James Hughes

James Hughes

James Hughes
A 30 year veteran of running sales teams from 7 to 110 people. Have led efforts of training sales reps on skills, Account Planning, certified "Power Base Sales " trainer and led the Worldwide Sales Management Education program for a Fortune 50. Today, I use my experience and learning's to help sales managers become better coaches of their sales people and increase the yield of their team.

Sales Coaching. What good is it if you don’t have a sales methodology?

Last week I attended a sales methodology program created by one of the largest in the country. I also attended their T3. It...

What is a Sales Managers Role before and during a Trade Show?

A Sales Managers Role: Tradeshows Is it just me, or do we all hate trade shows? Long days, a lot of standing, a...

Group Coaching

Group CoachingThe What, Where, How and Who What is Group Coaching? Well, in many respects it's simply the sales manager running a training session....

To: Sales Managers Subject: Coaching, who has the time? Really!?

TO: Sales Managers I'm outta time! It's easier to "tell" then to "Coach!" (Please all (sales training professional (like me) withhold from comments.)Let's hear from...

How do you coach your sales team when they have bad attitudes?

How do you coach attitudes in your sales team? YOU DON'T! However, you can coach people on...

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