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Gary Schwartz

Gary Schwartz
Gary Schwartz serves as senior vice president, Marketing, at Confirmit. He develops applications of Confirmit's online survey, analysis and reporting platform and drives product development. He speaks regularly at customer feedback, CRM and other industry events and was awarded Best Case History at the ESOMAR Congress in London in 26.

Survey says: Customer Focused Culture Key in 2011

We recently conducted a survey of enterprise decision makers to get an understanding of the major issues facing global 5000 businesses as they prepare...

You Can Ask Twice For My Feedback!

Here's a statement I never thought I'd write: the other day, I had a fantastic customer experience from my telecomm provider. It was so…

“The World Does Not Revolve Around You”

Today's customers almost always expect to get what they want at the time they want it, despite The Rolling Stones hit, "You Can't Always...

Recession Strategy: Spend Money to Make Money (and Retain Customers)

The year so far has been filled with predictions of a recession on both sides of the Atlantic. Sitting at home in England, I...

From KPI to KAI: Correlate Performance With Customer Attitude

Last year, my ISP decided to upgrade its network in the weeks before Christmas. Needless to say, it was an upgrade in name only,...

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