Nicolette Wuring, Msc
Passionate about Customer Advocacy, my motto is "When You Care, People Notice". In my more than two decades as a change agent in customer strategy and innovation I love creating game-changing, relevant, personal, and meaningful (customer) experiences that delight and engage people (employees and customers) enabled through technology, creating safe ánd brave spaces.
Summarizing the content of my previous 5 articles in this series on the value of CARE, “the unbeatable strategy of loving customers” (quote taken...
What gets measured, gets done! Constant measuring, controlling people in old ways (the ‘industrial paradigm’), keeping an eye on the quantitative KPIs, that’s what...
As you could read in the previous articles in this cycle, customer advocacy requires questioning the way business is done at different levels. What...
Customer advocacy cannot be enforced. You can only hope to generate it. You cannot pay a customer a premium to become an advocate. Generating...
Google shows a whopping 4 billion hits on the word care, 127 million hits on the search term customer advocacy and no less than...
Image Source: Author “Love is the state of caring so much for a person that most of your own happiness derives from increasing that person’s...