Colleen MacNeil
I am a Business Development Representative for AGSalesworks, assisting both SMB and Enterprise level accounts in multiple industries.
Last week during a family dinner, I tried to explain to my parents what Linkedin was and how, as an inside sales rep, I...
This is a sales blog, so if you are reading this, you're most likely already a Linkedin pro. If not, you should check out...
Before I entered the world of sales, I worked as a preschool teacher for a few years. I truly enjoyed being a teacher...
As a Business Development Representative for tech companies, I understand that organizations can be hesitant to implement new technologies. I have heard many...
Today is an exciting day in our office. As I write this blog, there are people walking by wearing Uncle Sam costumes and...
I love social media. I love to browse photos of my friends, family and strangers on Instagram, I love to read pointless status updates...
If you are as big a fan of NBC's Thursday night comedy lineup as I am then you know that tonight is the series...
Today, you can learn a lot about a person without ever meeting them, simply by checking out their various social media accounts. You can...
This post is a continuation of Monday's post, in which I looked at Linkedin and Facebook and discussed their benefits as B2B marketing platforms....
Social media is becoming more and more prevalent in marketing today. With so many different social media platforms out there, it can be...
A friend of mine, who I've always thought to be an exceptional communicator, recently shared one of his secrets of rhetoric with me. ...