Ben Reason
Ben Reason is a service design consultant with 20 years experience with a wide range of public, and private sector organisations. As a founder of Livework he leads the London studio and team on projects that bring a customer view to major challenges and opportunities in industries ranging from healthcare and financial services, to public transport.
A strong focus on your customer can become the driving force for business improvement. The challenge often lies in tackling the organisational issues that...
Most marketing communication is focused on new products and features. Today’s customers however, are looking for something different. They can get the same new...
Businesses are often described as machines. This metaphor from the industrial age doesn’t translate well to today’s world. These days organisations are no longer...
When people in an organisation have different interpretations of what really matters to customers, the customer experience falls apart. The difficulty is to align...
The majority of our projects address service experiences across multiple channels (web, face-to-face, telephone etc). We find that generally connecting or aligning the channels,...
A digital customer relationship turns the idea of CRM on its head. Rather than the organisation controlling customer data the customer is provided with...
Sometimes it feels as if measurements are made for their own sake rather than to serve a greater purpose. Nowhere more than in the...
It’s easy to imagine that, having gained an understanding of customers’ experiences, making changes that can improve them will be simple. However, there are...
Businesses talk about reasons why customers are loyal to their brand, product or service. Customers don’t perceive their use or association with a product...
Digital tools give customers a more immediate, personal and ‘in control’ relationship with brands. The challenge is for businesses to keep up with customer...
Great ideas fail for all sorts of unexpected reasons. But failures can be anticipated and even avoided by ‘live testing’ during the development phase....
Reaching excellence with customers requires more than a good strategy. When it comes to execution, it takes craft, methods and skills to connect customers...
Businesses compete fiercely on products, price and branding to acquire new customers. However, customers will only return if the organisation creates a shared sense...
Even well designed websites have visitors who need to use a second or third channel to complete their purchase or resolve their issue. Understanding...
Businesses invest billions in designing, developing and launching products. Many forget to pilot the full experience with real customers and staff. Focus groups...
Design thinking and service design can do far more than make new services visually appealing and easy to use. The skills, tools and attitude...
Customers value organisations that make things simple for them. Yet many businesses struggle to understand which benefits and features people appreciate. Identifying what customers...
One of the main challenges all organisations face is actively and productively engaging with customers on a regular basis. Aside from keeping a business...