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Anne Cramer

Anne Cramer
CX University
I'm a 20+ year veteran of customer experience strategy and implementation. Expert in customer journey mapping and management, leveraging voice of customer with data to tell compelling stories and influence strategic decision making. I also have expertise in human centered design and employee experience.

Why Nordstrom will survive the Covid-19 retail slaughterhouse

Macy’s recently announced that they are closing 45 locations, part of a three-year plan that will shutter 125 in total. Macy’s joins many...

Miro and SuiteCX: Collaboration in the Time of Covid

I love whiteboards. Like, in an inordinately needy way. If I am noodling on something, either alone or with my team, it’s...

How to Build a CX Center of Excellence

Centers of Excellence are popping up all over the place in the corporate world. What does that term even mean? How do you know...

My CCXP Journey: Five lessons from taking the CCXP exam (again).

I joined the CXPA in its second year. When I attended the first Members Insight Exchange, I was thrilled to meet so many...

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