Andrea Meyer
Author of more than 450 company case studies and contributor to 34 books, Andrea Meyer creates custom content for online & print publications. Andrea writes & ghostwrites books, blogs, white papers, conference reports, success profiles, interactive workbooks, articles, executive education and eLearning content. Clients include Prentice Hall, McGraw-Hill, Cengage Learning, MIT, Harvard, McKinsey & Co, YPO, Wharton, OECD. Andrea has conducted case studies in Asia, South America & Europe; is a Certified Online Instructor; is a member of MENSA, Twitter elite, and is listed in Who's Who in America.
Point: Make sustainability decisions at the start of new product development. Story: "Seventy-five to 90 percent of a product's environmental impact is determined the product...
Point: The collaborative economy enables new business models (and disrupts old ones). Story: The collaborative economy is growing as individuals find new ways to connect...
Point: When choosing areas to target for process innovations, consider the complementary – not just direct – costs and benefits Story: Companies naturally look for...
Point: While many wring their hands over seemingly insurmountable problems, entrepreneurs roll up their sleeves and work on solutions. Story: Peter Diamondis, founder of the...
Point: Get quick wins by encouraging small experiments throughout the organization. They're fast, inexpensive, and reduce the fear of failure. Story: One of the biggest...
Point: If you're stuck on how to solve a problem, see if nature has already solved that problem. Story: Nature has already solved many challenges;...
Point: Design physical spaces for unplanned collaborations that spark creativity. Story: One place to look for advice on designing physical spaces for creativity and collaboration...
Point: Create an internal venture fund to incubate revolutionary ideas. Story: This week's Innovation Summit at the Shell Technology Center Houston (STCH) highlighted the need...
Point: Looking at the opposites of everyday constraints yields new opportunities for innovation. Story: Companies typically see time, space and matter as constraints. That's not...
Point: To design better for customers, put yourself in their shoes. Story: What's it like to drive if you can't turn you head easily...
Point: Create new business models using a visual, collaborative tool like Alex Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas.Story: Business models are complex, which makes them...
Point: Use visual representations to spur innovative thinking. Story: Scientific visualization is typically used to communicate data and scientific results, but it can also spark...
Point: Fast-cycle experiments let companies create the best product/service offering with the least risk. Story: At the World Innovation Forum, Scott Cook, co-founder of Intuit,...
Point: Exponential trends in technology make the future more – not less — predictable. Story: At the World Innovation Forum in June, Ray Kurzweil,...
Point: Provide customers with toolkits to help them create new products and services. Story: I'm looking forward to hearing Henry Chesbrough, originator of the term...
Point: Experiment with new business models in a "connected adjacency" before committing to them. Story: Saul Kaplan, founder of the Business Innovation Factory (BIF),...
Point: A collectively-motivated group of peers can develop innovations in a distributed online environment. Story: When Hernando Barragán created a nontechie-friendly microcontroller board for artists,...
Point: Additive manufacturing (also called 3D printing) technologies enable new design methods and local manufacturing by entrepreneurs. Story: When designing a new part to...
Point: Unlike the diminishing returns of the Experience Curve, Collaboration Curves offer continuous, exponential improvement and innovation through knowledge sharing and interactions among a...
Point: Innovation tournaments can be run either competitively or collaboratively, with each approach yielding better results for different purposes. Story: In his second book, Best...