I was fortunate enough to sit down with Daniel Newman of MillennialCEO.com recently and to talk to him about his new book, The New Rules of Customer Engagement: 6 Trends Reinventing the Way We Sell.
Daniel Newman is an experienced C-Level Executive that currently operates as a Strategy Consultant providing C-Suite services to small and mid-sized businesses. He is the founder of BroadSuite Consulting, the author of Millennial CEO, and the owner of the Millennial CEO website. Dan is widely published, is an Adjunct Professor of Management at North Central College, and has been recognized by the Huffington Post as one of the 100 business and leadership accounts to follow on Twitter.
In The New Rules of Customer Engagement, Dan brings some forward-thinking ideas to the topic of customer engagement and lays out a case for creativity and innovation as essential tools in the future of customer relationships. Check out the videos below to hear Dan explain these ideas in his own words.