Customers today want things quicker, faster and many want it ‘Now’! It’s one of the trends that I talk about in my presentations when it comes to rising customer expectations. We call it ‘I Want What I Want, When I Want and How I Want It!’.
Amazon’s 1-Click and their Guaranteed Next Day Delivery is impressive and sets the bar for others to try and match. They are now working on something that raises that bar even higher and we’re talking skywards!
Their new innovation Prime Air will get things delivered straight to your door within 30 minutes of ordering! They’re going to use octocopters which can carry lightweight cargo (up to five pounds) within a 10-mile radius of an Amazon distribution centre!
OK, it’s a few years off yet, but it’s what their R & D team are working on – they’ve got to convince the ‘authorities’ that they are safe in the sky, but they’re confident it will happen! Amazon’s Chief Executive, Jeff Bezos says that “The hardest challenge of making this happen is going to be demonstrating to the standards of the FAA that is a safe thing to do”. Apparently the FAA in the US have plans in place to have new regulations in place by 2015!
You can watch below how it will work – it’s definitely a Dramatically and Demonstrably Different approach and is certainly going to raise customer expectations, and not just theirs – yours too!