Being ‘easy to buy from’ is a key ingredient of 3D Characteristic #3: Create Delighted And Devoted Customers and in an age of many customers wanting things when they want them, how they want them and wanting them NOW, a key area of differentiation is creating a speedy and smooth customer experience.
Amazon Go is promising the world’s most advanced shopping technology – no lines, no checkout, just ‘grab and go’! It’s Amazon’s Dramatically and Demonstrably Different approach to ‘bricks and mortar’ grocery retailing and it opens in Seattle early next year! As well as selling prepared foods for customers to take ‘off the shelf’, they’ll also be offering food prepared by ‘on-site chefs’ for breakfast, lunch and tea. Simply download your ‘app, go into the store, swipe your phone as you walk in, take the goods you want off the shelf, put them in your bag and walk out again! It’s that EASY!!!!
Here’s their video that explains how it will work…
OK, so you’re not Amazon and you might not be in retailing, but what does it mean for you and your business?
Well, they’re raising the bar when it comes to customer experience and there will be lots of customers saying “If they can do that, why can’t you?”
So, here are 3 simple actions to take to get you started…
- ‘Stand in Your Own Queues’ – Find out what it’s like on your ‘front line’ – ring up your own business, visit your own reception, depot or shop, go on your own website. If you’re a small business and they’d recognise you, get someone else to do it for you. Use this FREE TOOLKIT TO DO IT
- Ask Your People – Your front line people will have seen lots of things – what do they see that irritates or annoys customers? What’s holding them back from delivering outstanding customer service?
- Ask Your Customers – What do they think? What irritates or annoys them? Get their thoughts, views and ideas. A simple question is ‘What irritates or annoys you about dealing with us? Find out what they think that your business should do to make the customer experience ‘easier’ – it’s all about creating some dialogue with your customers!
Whatever you do, the critical bit is DOING SOMETHING ABOUT WHAT YOU FIND OUT!