Advanced Centre for Corporate Training at SMS Varanasi
Today India is at driving seat in terms of striking economic growth. To transform India into world’s economic authority it is imperative to establish all Indian business organizations on global platform as highly trusted, productive and endearing organizations.
With an objective to develop robust corporate-academia partnership, the Advanced Centre for Corporate Training (ACCT) at SMS Varanasi is actively engaged in breeding different applicative models based on most recent research outcomes in the field of human behavior. Following are the training modules offered by Advanced Centre for Corporate Training:
Leadership Development Programme: Being good at “The process” is not good enough! Today, the modern manager needs to be good human being, creative, inspiring, motivating and have great interpersonal and people skills. We specialize in helping managers/entrepreneurs to acquire skills, behavior and competencies to be able to drive performance through their teams in a motivating and empowering way.
Motivation Development Programme: Handsome salary, excellent physical ambiance, attractive designation, and phenomenal company’s brand can only attract people to work but these may not be instrumental behind the way people will work, utilization of people’s full potential and engendering excellent performances. This training module is making business executives (all levels) aware of latest research findings on motivation.
Development of Unconscious Competence: Emotional Intelligence is extremely important to make highly productive decision-making in various business situations. This module is based on Self- Diagnosis, Self-Counseling and Self Nurturing. The self- Diagnosis and counseling is developed on transactional analysis and the Self-Nurturing is developed on the basis of latest researches done in the area of positive psychology.
Organizational Development Programme: Life expectancy of people is increasing but of companies is decreasing. One third of the companies listed in the 1970 fortune 500 had vanished by 1983. A Dutch survey showing the average corporate life expectancy in Japan and Europe was 12.5 years. The basic reasons behind financial decline are corporate culture and core values that serve a company best in times of volatile change. This programme is designed to develop competencies for organizational development.
Employee Assessment Programme: Everyone needs to be assessed – whether at work or in every day life. The assessment of an employee can improve their motivation and can help them to make useful suggestions about how their jobs can operate more effectively. After all, everyone needs encouragement and personal attention. At the same time, you can tell your employees where they need to focus.